Perth Photo-Medical Centre

The Perth Photo-Medical Centre aims to provide people with a pain-free treatment process using the latest bio-medical laser technology, to address a wide range of common medical conditions.

Bio-medical lasers are being used throughout the world in a range of applications, including the veterinary and dental fields.

Perth Photo-Medical Centre is the first to offer Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) in Western Australia for a range of conditions using a holistic approach.  We offer a complete range of laser treatments for people who are looking for pain-free alternatives.

Our Vision is to be the leader in Western Australia in the awareness and application of laser light therapy for improved health and wellness.

Our Mission is to be instrumental in the facilitation of the natural ability of the human body to heal itself through the deliverance of laser light therapy, making a vital difference to people’s lives.

Dr Pamela Dunn

B App Sc (Clinical Science) B Chiropractic Science

Professionally, I have over 20 years experience as a chiropractor.

Personally, I am a proud survivor of Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS). In 2013. I was diagnosed with a severe case of GBS that was complicated by respiratory failure, pneumonia and complete paralysis from the neck down. Not only was I unable to move any part of my body, I was unable to communicate. All I could do was ‘think and blink’.

During my very long, challenging road to recovery, I stumbled upon Photobiomodulation, also known as Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT).

LLLT treated my nerves for cellular regeneration – in every part of my body from the neck down; the scar from the tracheotomy; the aches and pains from 2 frozen shoulders as my body was regaining mobility and strength; the systemic repair; needle-free acupuncture on my feet for nerve regeneration; various arthritic points and muscle tensions as they travelled along the body, from the effects of GBS.

With my background as a chiropractor, I have the clinical wisdom and experience to further assist people with the amazing technology that may be experienced with LLLT. It has benefitted me in various areas of my own health and well-being.

I am excited to offer this healing therapy in Perth and have the opportunity to assist others in ways that it has helped me.

To read more about my story and my experience with Guillain Barre Syndrome, my book, 'SURVIVED One Millimetre at a Time' is now available via the website:
