Muscle Relaxation and Pain Relief combined with the healing power of Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)


Imagine feeling the soothing warmth of Low Level Laser combined with a deep tissue massage. What makes this system of massage therapy so unique? The secret is how deep the healing of the (LLLT) reaches to restore normal function in tissues of the body that you can't reach by hand.

There are multiple layers of muscle to the human body ranging from superficial (visible) to deep (non visible). Traditional massage therapy can be helpful, but the positive results may not last long because the deeper muscle structures were not treated as effectively as the superficial ones. Potentially only providing you temporary relief. (LLLT) and massage on the other hand helps restore normal cellular function to all treated muscles of the body.

Deep muscles are called 'stabilizers'. Meaning they keep bones and joints in proper alignment. The superficial muscles are called 'prime movers'. Meaning they are designed to move the body from point A to point B, while the stabilizers keep you from falling apart during that move.


If deeper muscles are overloaded or tired, the body puts too much emphasis on the prime movers and you end up with chronic muscle spasm, tightness, and pain. So the key of (LLLT) and massage is the ability to reach those stabilizers so you feel incredible.

Connecting every cell and tissue of the body is a fish-net like material known as 'fascia'. This connective tissue should glide smoothly between structures, but often times can stick to muscles causing discomfort and pain. (LLLT) and massage loosens up the 'fascia' preventing the development of 'sticking'. The therapy is relaxing, giving you increased mobility and stability.

Most painful musculoskeletal conditions can benefit from (LLLT) and massage since 'fascia' is connected to every part of your body. Sessions can be body part and condition specific or you may also experience our full body therapy program.

Make time to take care of yourself and experience the only 'Low Level Laser and Massage Therapy' Program in Perth. Your body will certainly thank you for it.